
3 of Wands; Linestrider Tarot

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Expansion, awareness, and plans for future growth and success are the keys to today's card.
The 3 of wands, like all wands, is an action or fire based energy, and this card specifically relates to planning for the success and growth of your projects, business, etc. 

Now is the time to focus on what growth you would like to have, and to keep your eyes open for ways to make that happen. Beneficial opportunities and partnerships could present themselves. 
Think of yourself as the stag on the card, always watchful and diligent. Look forward, look around you, keep those big eyes and ears open! 

 Crystals pictured for focus on this card:
Tiger Eye
Green Aventurine 
Hawk's Eye

You can email me to book a reading or crystal consult for yourself.

If you're a reader or tarot collector and love this gorgeous interpretation by Siolo Thompson as much as I do, 
you can order the Linestrider Tarot deck and see the rest of the beautiful deck. 


VintageBeckyM said...

Interesting that I should read this today. I have recently been pushing to grow my business and blog. Fortunate timing.

Thank You for sharing and Have a Fabulous Day!

Grey said...

We usually find what we need just when we need it most. Have a great day, Becky! :)

Hena Tayeb said...

that is beautiful

Eugenie said...

I know very little about Tarot, but that is a beautiful card and lovely stones. Must be a pleasure to touch.

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